Analyzing the Effects of AI Education Program based on AI ToolsAIAbstract Purpose: In recent years, AI technology has emerged as a core technology for the fourth industrial revolution. Along with the existing SW education, it is time to prepare for AI education, since the interest in AI education is also growing. The fact that learning about the theory and principles of AI is important is also stressed in the college education. However, non-major students tend to perceive AI technology to be difficult, and hence, a more efficient AI education is required. The purpose of this research is to guide the learners' direction for AI education, helping them to break away from their fears of AI through the AI education appropriate for the learners’ level. Method: In this study, to analyze the effect of the developed educational program on the learners’ AI literacy, the dependent variables changed before and after the application of the program were analyzed, and the single group’s ex ante and ex post testings were applied for the designing method for inferring the causal relationship. Results: The AI literacy of undergraduate students was analyzed for the educational program via the ex ante and ex posts testings of a single group by operating this program. As a result of the analysis, significant results were obtained where all three areas of the AI literacy were improved through the educational program Conclusion: This study is meaningful in that the AI educational program was proposed for the liberal arts class at college for the non-majors, and that the AI educational program which is generally applicable for the liberal arts class was developed and directly applied to validate its effectiveness. Discussions are expected to continue to develop the various details of the AI basic education to ensure that the non-majors can enter the AI education without fearing the AI based on the results of this study. [Keywords] Artificial Intelligence, AI Education, Education Model, AI Literacy, Artificial Intelligence Ethics References [1] Park H. Trend Analysis of Korea Papers in the Fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Korea Information Electronic Communication Technology, 13(4), 283-292 (2020). [2] Han J. Changes in Attitudes and Efficacy of AI Learners according to the Level of Programming Skill and Project Interest in AI Project. Journal of the Korean Association of Information Education, 24(4), 391-400 (2020). [3] Kim Y & Park G. Rubrics and Schoolwide Approach to the Character Education and Some Implica-tions to AI-based Character Education. Robotics & AI Ethics, 5(2), 19-26 (2020). [Article] [4] Oh K & Kim H. 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A Study on PUBLIC Lifelong Education Model for Second Life Planning and Support for Middle Aged AdultsCultureAbstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to propose a Public lifelong education model for the second life plan of middle-aged and elderly people in order to cope with the rapid progress of today's aging society. Public support is needed so that middle-aged adults can design their second life and live successfully according to their own plans. In this study, the purpose is to propose a lifelong education model for the second life design and support for middle-aged adults. Method: The research method of this study used various methods such as literature research, Delphi research, and expert advisory meeting. First, literature research and previous studies related to life redesign and second life of middle-aged adults were analyzed. And, using the components of the middle-aged adult lifelong education model of the expert group extracted from the Delphi survey results. Finally, a lifelong education model was developed to support the second life plan for middle-aged and elderly people by collecting and reflecting the opinions of the expert group. Results: As a result of the study, the second life support lifelong education model for middle-aged and elderly people focuses on middle-aged learners, and analyzes the second life plan of middle-aged and elderly through counseling on life course and learning according to the learner's personal career and orientation. It is necessary to develop lifelong education programs that can support this and guide them to participate in such lifelong education. Conclusion: Supporting the second life plan for middle-aged and elderly people is not something that any individual or institution can do. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the lifelong education model that supports the second life plan of the middle-aged and elderly with a strategy that connects and utilizes existing systems and functions to the maximum extent. [Keywords] Lifelong-Education, Lifelong-Learning, Aging-Society, Second-Life-Design, Lifelong-Education-Model References [1] Choi MJ. An Exploration on Middle Aged Women’s Social Capital and Economic Capital: A Compar-ison of Four Different Age Groups. Health and Social Welfare Review, 32(2), 124-163 (2015). [2] Doo SH & Chang JY & R JI. The Effects of Work Centrality on Active Aging among the Older Adults: Mediating Role of Generativity. Korean Journal and Organizational Psychology, 27(3), 565-584 (2014). [3] Kim JH. Productive Activities of Older People and Their Influence on Life Satisfaction. Development and Society, 36(1), 45-69 (2007). [4] Byun JS & Kwon CH. 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Chinese Government’s Ethnic Minorities Policy and TERRORISM: Focusing on Uyghur's Separation-Independence MovementDisasterAbstract Purpose: The reality is that ethnic conflicts exist in a multi-ethnic society. After the Cold War, the issue of ethnic identity and discrimination, which had been suppressed under the socialist system, was rapidly highlighted, and national division began. However, from the perspective of a dominant nation seeking international status as a powerful nation, the separation of ethnic minorities is considered a crisis of national dissolution, so it tries to thoroughly prevent the separation of minorities. In this process, terrorism occurs and government control and pressure become intense. This phenomenon is considered in this paper. Method: Under the socialist system, the Soviet Union and China have controlled multi-ethnic societies with ideology. However, after the Cold War, an independent state began to be established as a wave of separatist nationalism spread in Eastern Europe, including Russia. China has implemented a strengthened "one China policy" to nip this phenomenon in the bud at home. In particular, it sought to undermine separatist nationalism against the Uyghurs and Tibetans. We examine China's strategy for ethnic minorities and Uyghur's resistance from a historical perspective. Results: Xinjiang is a geopolitical important area. The Chinese government wants to defend against potential Western threats by controlling the region. Some extremist groups of ethnic minorities are also implementing multidimensional policies to fundamentally block armed struggles and attempts to carry out terrorism for secession. The politics of suppression of minorities will continue for the time being because it is not easy to dismantle the cultural and religious identity of minorities. Conclusion: It is a matter that cannot be coerced into assimilating minorities by a dominant ethnic group. If there is no prerequisite for recognizing ethnic differences and policies for national reconciliation, a coercive system will only produce conflict. To ensure that terrorism is not a means of expressing resistance to discrimination, imperial political behavior must be abandoned. [Keywords] Ethnic Minorities, One Chinese Policy, Shanghai Pact, Re-Education Camp, Separation Independence References [1] Hobsbaum E. Identity Politics and the Left. New Left Review, 217, 38-47 (1996). [2] Park DK & Jo SG. Cases and Countermeasure of Indiscriminate Terrorism. International Journal of Terrorism & National Security, 5(1), 25-31 (2020). [Article] [3] Park WS. A Study on the Improvement of Terrorism Response in Subway Crisis and Public Trans-portation. International Journal of Terrorism & National Security, 5(1), 48-59 (2020). [Article] [4] Chung JW. 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The Effect of ARMY Professionals` Perceptions of the System on Organizational Commitment: The Mediation Effects of ..MilitaryAbstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the mediation effect of professional identity in the process of the effect of Army professionals` perceptions of the system on organizational commitment, and to draw policy implications for the training and utilization of effective professionals. Methods: The survey was conducted on Army professionals and the hypothesis was verified using structural equations(AMOS18.0). Results: First, system trust did not have a significant effect on professional identity. Second, system internalization had a positive(+) effect on professional identity. Third, the indirect effect of professional identity was not significant in the relationship between system trust and organizational commitment. Fourth, the indirect effect of professional identity was significant in the relationship between system internalization and organizational commitment. Conclusion: First, it is necessary to consider the organizational level of professional personnel management system that allows professional personnel officers to have a positive perception and agree with its purpose. Second, in the process of system change, the situation and opinions of the army specialist officers who are subject to the system change should be reflected as much as possible, and the detailed consideration of the organizational level that makes them well accept the purpose and purpose of system change is necessary. Third, when the Army professional personnel officers are provided with conditions to work with a high professional identity and implement related policies, their organizational commitment can be increased. [Keywords] Professional Identity, System Internalization, System Trust, Organizational Commitment, Army Professionals References [1] Oh HS & Sung EM. Trend Analysis of Expert Society through Changing Profession. The Journal of Vocational Education Research, 29(2), 205-223 (2010). [4] Kang Y & Lee M & Im Y. The Influence of Expert Orientation and Job Challenge on Organizational Commitment of Army Professional Manpower: The Mediating Role of Professional Identity. Journal of National Defense Studies, 58(2), 83-112 (2015). [5] Khilji SE & Wang X. Intended and Implemented HRM: The Missing Linchpin in Strategic Human Resource Management Research. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(7), 1171-1189 (2006). [6] Kostova T. Transnational Transfer of Strategic Organizational Practices: A Contextual Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 24(2), 308-324 (1999). [7] Park SJ & Im YS. A Case Study on the Core Competencies of Military Leadership for Junior Officers. 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An Analysis of DRUG Manufacturing in North Korea and Smuggling in South KoreaTerrorismAbstract Purpose: North Korea's drug production and trafficking have the longest history of illegal activities by the North Korean authorities as a means of earning foreign currency. In the 1990s, scientists smuggled large quantities of drugs from North Korea's Suncheon and Pyeongseong pharmaceutical plants to China. Drug manufacturing and trafficking in North Korea is a well-known public fact. Drugs from North Korea are being smuggled into South Korea through China through various methods. The purpose of the study is to block the entry of North Korean drugs into South Korea. Method: Define the concept of drugs and methamphetamine, look at the background of North Korea's trafficking, the status of smuggling to the world, the production and distribution of drugs in North Korea are handled at the national level, and analyze how they are smuggled into South Korea. Results: Drugs have been manufactured in the mountains of North Korea, which are hard to find outside, and are flowing into South Korea through China. Smuggling methods are highly intelligent, mainly using diplomatic bags, hidden in other goods of merchants, etc. Drugs in circulation are in large quantities and are understood to be in circulation at various stages. Conclusion: The reason why North Korea produces, manufactures and trafficks drugs is to cover insufficient foreign currency and use it as a cost of maintaining the regime. It is necessary to strengthen cooperation between South Korea and neighboring countries to prevent smuggling of North Korean drugs into South Korea, expand the international drug crime investigation organization, and strengthen investigation capabilities. [Keywords] North Korea, Drugs, Methamphetamine, Drug Manufacturing, Drug Trafficking References [1] Yang OK & Yun YS & Lee GH & Kim SN. North Korea’s Illegal Drug Use and Abuse: Current Situation and Solutions. Journal of East Asian Studies, 37(1), 233-270 (2018). [2] Mohammed A & Raymond DP & Back SC & Jo SG. The Role of Technology in Facilitating, Connecting, and Ending Cybercrime, Drug Trafficking, and Money Laundering. International Journal of Terrorism & National Security, 4(2), 23-33 (2019). [Article] [3] Beak NS. Consideration of North Korea's National Illegal Activities: Focusing on Drug Trafficking in North Korea. Korean Terrorism Studies Review, 14(3), 92-111 (2021). [4] Park HJ. The Study on the Narcotic Problems. Research on Creativity Development, 1(5), 235-262 (2001). [5] Mun YH & Kim JH. Survival after Cardiac Arrest due to Acute Methamphetamine Poisoning. Journal of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology, 16(2), 176-180 (2018). [6] Jang CM. Grounded Theory Analysis to the Structure of Relation of Prisoned Drug Abusers. Korea Journal of Counseling, 6(4), 1129-1150 (2005). [7] Oyefeso A. 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Paradox of COVID-19 Pandemic, Strengthening Neo-Liberalist's Way of GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Building to Overcome Vaccine ..PolicyAbstract Purpose: This paper intends to find alternatives to strengthen global governance in vaccine distribution amid the rise of vaccine nationalism in the international community. To this end, Chapter 2 briefly outlines the risks of vaccine nationalism and the concept of global governance. Chapter 3 examines the status of vaccine development in major countries and Chapter 4 suggests ways to establish global vaccine governance. Chapter 5 summarizes the previous discussions and suggests a policy alternative for securing vaccines for the ROK. Method: The spread of COVID-19 has led to the fall of neoliberalism, but to end the COVID-19 pandemic, only infectious disease control through strengthening transformative neo-liberal way of strengthening international governance can overcome the vaccine nationalism. Global Governance refers to the performance of various interested parties through horizontal cooperation to achieve a common purpose, especially the public purpose. Results: The policy alternatives to overcome vaccination nationalism and end the global COVID-19 pandemic are as follows. First, it is possible to effectively respond to various infectious diseases in the future by strengthening the disease management function of the UN and rearranging of WHO for the fair distribution of vaccines. Second, AI technology-based platforms can be used to optimize the use of early warning and mobilize necessary resources for preventive measures. Third, patent rights for vaccine manufacturing technologies should be revoked and vaccines should be produced and administered simultaneously regardless of country or patent to prevent the spread. Fourth, measures to limit national sovereignty at the global governance level should be clearly defined. Fifth, cooperation with WHO and transnational pharmaceutical companies, and NGO, IGO(Intergovernmental Organization) are key to combating vaccination nationalism's politics. Conclusion: The implications of major countries' vaccine development and vaccine diplomacy for the ROK are as follows. First, the ROK also needs to continue to develop vaccines and treatments, foster human resources in related fields, and establish active international cooperation. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the international system to develop vaccines and treatments. Third, it is necessary to actively secure vaccines through the production of a licensing method that introduces technology, not just consignment production in Korea, or equity investment in overseas vaccine companies, which requires the government's full support for the industry. [Keywords] COVID-19, Neo-Liberalism, Pandemic, Vaccine Nationalism, Global Governance References [1] Lee S. 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Profiling of Team Performances based on the Official Data in SOCCERBodyAbstract Purpose: The performance analysis of sport has utilized to distinguish level of performances in past decade. Especially, the concept of identification on important factors relevant to winning and losing performances was always considered in the field of performance analysis in sports. This study was to compare different performances between groups separated by frequencies of participant to soccer World Cup 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018. This study was also intended to identify factor of distinguishing levels of performances instead of regional factor. Method: In this study, the official data from FIFA official website was collected by Microsoft Excel version 16.0 with Visual Basic Application scripts that totally 20 variables relevant to goals and features of performances were considered. After data collection has done, all data were separated by groups basing on frequencies of participant to soccer World Cup. In addition, descriptive statistics and one-way ANOVA test with Turkey’s test as post hoc comparisons were utilized to compare different performances between groups. Results: As results of this study, there were significant differences found on variables relevant to goals, such as Goals, Shot attempt. Also, there were significant differences found between groups on Passes, Passes completed, Short passes, Foul sustained, % of Passes completed, % of Short passes completed and Ball possession. Those findings indicated different levels of performances between experiences on soccer World Cup that those variables also indicated different features of performances depending on the experiences. Conclusion: According to results of this study, the experiences on soccer World Cup are important factors to distinguish different levels of performances considering with the official data. The variables relevant to goals and different features of performances in soccer would be utilized to identify characteristics of team performances or nations regarding to the results of this study. Further researches are required that variables relating to the levels of performances distinguished in this study would be a factor of prediction models for identification of outcome of performances in soccer. [Keywords] Soccer, Performance Analysis of Sport, Levels of Performances, Soccer Analysis, Sport Analytics References [1] Becker AJ & Whitney J. An Investigation into the Coaching Approach of a Successful World Class Soccer Coach: Anson Dorrance. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 7(3), 431-447 (2012). [2] Hughes M & Bartlett R. 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The Structural Relationship among Desperateness, Mental Strength and Perceived Performance of High School TAEKWONDO PlayersSportAbstract Purpose: Players' desperateness is a mental state of readiness for training and competition, which is understood to be a variable that influences players' performance as a factor that promotes motivation for why they should participate and win. On the other hand, mental strength is psychological strength that directly affects the performance of players, so the relationship between these two variables is clearly classified into a sequential relationship, and finally, the perceived performance of players will be affected by the relationship between these two variables. In addition, it is possible to predict enough that mental strength will play a mediating role in the relationship between desperateness and perceived performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the influence of high school Taekwondo players' perceived desperateness through structural relationships with their desperateness, mental strength, and perceived performance, and to help them improve their performance. Method: A total of 281 high school Taekwondo players were selected as participants by convenience sampling technique, and they were asked with desperateness questionnaire, mental strength questionnaire, and perceived performance questionnaire. The data analysis of this study was executed by using PASW 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 for the frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and the research model was test through structure equation modeling analysis and the bootstrapping method was used to find out the mediating effect. Results: The desperateness had a positive relationship with mental strength. This is a result of predicting that the higher the level of desperateness, the higher the level of mental strength can be. Desperateness was also found to have a positive causal relationship with perceived performance meaning that the higher the level of desperation, the higher the level of performance perceived by athletes, and it is understood that the desperation of high school taekwondo players can help improve perceived performance. Mental strength had a positive causal relationship with perceived performance. It means the higher the level of mental strength, the higher the level of performance perceived by athletes, and it is understood that the mental strength of high school taekwondo players can help improve the perceived performance. Mental strength had a mediating effect in the relationship between desperateness and perceived performance. Conclusion: The desperateness of athletes is a leading variable that positively influences the improvement of athletes' performance. Desperate is a state of mind preparedness for how high school Taekwondo players participate in sports and games, and it is understood that this mindset is expressed as a strong will for the purpose and direction of action, and it is judged to have a positive impact on the win or lose of the game. Since this study found mental strength had a positive causal relationship with perceived performance mental strength needs to be regarded as a major concern of leaders and coaches as a major factor in determining the win or loss of a game, and should be making continuous efforts to improve the mental strength of athletes. [Keywords] Desperateness, Eagerness, Mental Strength, Perceived Performance, Taekwondo References [1] Park J. The Effect of Functional Training on the Physical Strength Factor of Elite Taekwondo Ath-letes. Kinesiology, 4(1), 1-7 (2019). [Article] [2] Ro G & Kim S. The Development on Mental Toughness Inventory for Taekwondo Players. 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Consideration of GREENAREARATIO When Establishing an Urban Development PlanBeautyAbstract Purpose: Just as the natural environment is vital for people to live in, the park and green area, which are indicators for eco-friendly development, are essential when proceeding with urban development projects. Therefore, this study reviewed focusing on the park and green area ratio in the environmental impact assessment for urban development projects. Through this, we intended to provide a comprehensive guideline for environmental land use planning and design for urban development or residential land development projects and to guide plans and designs based on this. Method: The analysis was based on the environmental impact assessment, which was investigated for 145 urban development projects for 18 years from 2003 to 2020. We conducted a one-way ANOVA analysis to determine the difference between the green area rate by year, the green area rate by region, the population density by region, and the park area per person by region. Post-hoc analysis was performed by the Scheffe test. To conduct the above statistical analysis, we used the Spss Statistics 21 statistics program. Results: The number of consultations on environmental impact assessment for urban development projects by year was the highest in 2006 and 2008, with 14 cases(9.66%). The green area rate by year was as high as 25.09% in 2005, 24.88% in 2007, and 22.73% in 2009. The green area rate by region was the highest in the Gangwon area with 22.63%, followed by 20.47% in the metropolitan area, 19.59% in the Honam area, and 19.51% in the Chungcheong area. The population density by region was the highest with 2.10(person/m2) in the metropolitan area. Next the Gangwon area was 1.99(person/m2) and the Southeast area was 1.80(person/m2). The park area per person by region was the largest in the Honam area, with 10.93m2. Conclusion: The area of parks and green spaces is seen as the minimum standard stipulated by law. However, the high green area ratio and the difference in population density by region during active urban development projects are to create a pleasant residential environment. Therefore, in a place with high population density, it is necessary to establish a high standard for securing green space to create a comfortable living environment. Also, in the case of parks, the location is essential as well as the area. Since green areas on slopes excluding parks in the green area ratio are difficult to use, we insist that green areas on slopes should be reduced, and park areas should be set high to create a pleasant residential environment. [Keywords] Urban Development Plan, Urban Development Projects, Parks, Green Areas, Green Area Ratio References [1] Kim EJ & Yuh HK. 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A Scientometrics Research on Physical Activity and Health RISKS of the ElderlyHealthAbstract Purpose: With the deepening of global aging, how to control and prevent the health crisis of the elderly has become the focus of global attention. To address this problem, a large number of studies have been conducted around the world, and physical activity has been shown to be closely linked to health risks in the elderly. In order to sort out the results of many researches, this paper made a scientometrics analysis of the relevant researches in the past 10 years. This can not only systematically understand the current research trend, but also serve as a reference for subsequent research. Method: This study adopted scientometrics and visual analysis methods, thus CiteSpace Visualization based on Java programming was employed as the main tool of the study. Literature searched from Web of Science database from 2010 to present and was used to show the topic evolution of research related to the research topic after analysis. Results: According to the statistics on the time and quantity of the literature on physical activity and health risks of the elderly, it was found that the literature had a stable increasing trend from 2010 to 2012, from 2013 to 2015, from 2016 to 2018, and from 2019 to 2020. Through the analysis of the co-occurring map of institutions on physical activity for elderly, it was found that colleges and universities were the core in the institutions in this field. Geriatrics & Gerontology, Public Environmental & Occupational Health, General & Internal Medicine, Medicine, Nutrition & Dietetics and Physical provided basic for the researches on physical activity and health risks of elderly. The research hotspots were showed as physical activity, risk, risk factor, Older adult, elderly, exercise, mortality, health, prevalence, association. This indicated that the researches on physical activity and health risk of the elderly at this stage mainly focused on the health and physique of the elderly. In the second stage, there were abundant experimental studies on the physical function of the elderly, the physiological dimension of different types of senile chronic diseases, and the risk factors of disease prevention. In the third stage, the researches on the elderly' personal health behavior and lifestyle, social support and health promotion began to be prominent. Conclusion: This paper took Web of Science as the data source and used CiteSpace, a scientific measurement tool, to draw the knowledge map of physical activity and health risks of the elderly scientifically and rigorously, and systematically analyzes the basic characteristics, research hotspots and topic evolution of this research field. However, there are still some limitations in the time period, database and search scope of the research results, which we hope can be solved in the follow-up research. [Keywords] Health Risk of the Elderly, Scientometrics Research, Physical Activity, Visual Analysis, Knowledge Map References [1] Huy C & Becker S & Gomolinsky U. Health, Medical Risk Factors, and Bicycle Use in Everyday Life in the Over-50 Population. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 16, 454-464 (2008). [2] Zhan B & Yuan CP & Yang TT. Evolutionary Characteristics and Implications of International Physical Activity for Elderly Research. 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