Instructional Systems Design to Reflect ETHICS in AI’s Rules of Engagement Learning for Future WarfareAIAbstract Purpose: Rules of Engagement(ROE) refer to rules or directives that define the circumstances, conditions, extent, manner, etc. of the application of force or action that can be considered provocative by the armed forces. ROE do not explain how results are achieved, but rather indicate what judgments are unacceptable. Focusing this, the purpose of this study is to propose an Instructional Systems Design(ISD) configured to reflect ethics in AI’s ROE learning for future warfare. Method: This study uses Development Research Method for develop and propose an ISD. ISD refers to the creation of guidelines into smaller units of teaching or learning. If some guidelines are created for such ISD, it would set the composition and application of ROE, and AI will learn that guidelines through deep learning. And the AI makes a decision with this in the hypothetical dilemma situation where the application of the ROE is requested. Finally, human experts review and supplement the learning results of these neural networks. The sophistication of the AI’s learning and applying ROE would be achieved by feeding back this result to the ISD. Results: This study understands that ROE would also be essential for AI or AI-equipped military robot systems. In this process, AI performs the task of making judgments related to applying ROE, which is the principle of action in specific situations. To do this, Ai’s deep learning first collects necessary information and makes decisions based on it. Next, the results of this learning are applied in a new hypothetical dilemma situation. Finally, human experts' evaluation and feedback on the results are continuously made. This series of processes can be presented as a model of ISD oriented towards the moral development of AI. Conclusion: AI’s ROE learning converges to the learning of moral values. It focuses on the cognitive aspect of morality. Therefore, it would be possible to refine the cognitive moral judgment of deep learning by applying the learning hierarchy of taxonomy of educational objects and the logical test of validity of moral judgment oriented toward social justice. And the moral development of the neural network can be performed by modifying and complementing the results of human experts and feeding them back. [Keywords] Artificial Intelligence, Military, Rules of Engagement, Ethics, Instructional Systems Design References [1] Gonzalo G & Park S & Cho H. Prospects for New Wars in the 21st Century. International Journal of Military Affairs, 6(3), 43-53 (2021). [Article] [2] Choi J. Current and Future Considerations for the Use of Artificial Intelligence by the United States’ Department of Defense. Robotics & AI Ethics, 6(1), 1-6 (2021). [Article] [3] Moon H. 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Creation of PUBLIC VALUE Service: The Effect of Cosmetics Consumption Needs on the Motive to Purchase Customized Cosmetics..CultureAbstract Purpose: This study tried to analyze the relationship between the desire to consume cosmetics and the motivation to purchase customized cosmetics. In the relationship between these variables, the relationship between the perception of the customized cosmetics dispensing manager, who promotes the consumption desire, as a moderating effect, on the purchase motive for customized cosmetics was confirmed. The purpose is to expand the consumption of customized cosmetics and to present the public service value of the customized cosmetics system. Method: A total of 561 questionnaires were used online for men and women of age of 10 to 69 who have purchased cosmetics nationwide. SPSS 22.0 was used as an empirical analysis method, and analysis was performed using multiple regression analysis and process macros. In order to find out the moderating effect of the perception of customized cosmetics dispensing managers, an analysis was conducted using Process Macro No. 59 model proposed by Hayes(2012). Results: First, it was revealed that the independent variable, the desire to consume cosmetics, and the dependent variable, the purchase motive for customized cosmetics, had a significant positive effect and a significant influence relationship between the variables. Second, the perception of the customized cosmetics dispensing manager is to motivate the purchase of customized cosmetics so that the brand/self-expression needs, the relationship/ride needs, the nature-friendly needs, and the pleasure needs are satisfied in a reasonable way in the relationship between the cosmetic consumption needs and the customized cosmetics purchase motivation. A modulatory effect in which an important inducing action is performed was confirmed. As a result, it was found that the influence of cosmetics consumption motives on the purchase motive of customized cosmetics is stronger when the customized cosmetics dispensing manager is known. Conclusion: As a result of the study, it was confirmed that it is a factor that promotes the desire to consume cosmetics by satisfying the effectiveness of products according to the professionalism and trust of the customized cosmetics dispensing manager. In other words, the confirmation of the moderating effect of the perception of the customized cosmetics dispensing manager is to secure the safety of the ingredients and functions of cosmetics that can be induced by consumer claims in the process of cosmetic consumption desire leading to consumption behavior. These results can be said that the customized cosmetic system showed public service value. In addition, by revealing that the higher the awareness of the customized cosmetics dispensing manager, the higher the motivation to purchase customized cosmetics. This suggests the need for a differentiated marketing strategy. [Keywords] Customized Cosmetics, Consumption Needs, Purchase Motive, Customized Cosmetics Dispensing Manager, Moderating Effect References [1] Lee MS & Song TI. A Study on Reliability and Purchase Behavior of Customized Cosmetic -Focus on 20 to 50 Aged Female Living in Gwangju. Journal of the Korean Society of Design Culture, 26(3), 283-293 (2020). [2] Seonmi Gong & Minshin Kim. Actual Use and Preference for Free Cosmetics by age. Korean Society of Aesthetics, 14(3), 331-342 (2018). [3] Kwon SS & Jeon HJ. Purchasing Behavior of Customized Cosmetics according to Age. Journal of the Korean Society for Aesthetic Art, 21(1), 229-240 (2020). [4] Yoon HJ & Kim ES. 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Study on the Mediating Effect of Self Focused Attention and Depression in the Relationship of Effect Between the HUMAN’s Self..DisasterAbstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to comprehensively examine an under self esteem and inter personal problems by predicting the mediating effects of self esteem and negative emotions including depression and self focused attention, and consequently, by exploring the effects on the inter personal problems. Method: A questionnaire survey was conducted targeting 127 college students from the departments related to early childhood education located in Gyeongnam. To examine and understand the mediating effects of self focused attention and depression in the relationship of effect between human self esteem and inter personal problems, a hypothetical research model was set, which was sought to be statistically validated. For such research data, the descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and the serial multiple mediator model regression analysis were performed by using the statistical programs of SPSS 26.0 and PROCESS v35. Results: First, self esteem demonstrated a significantly positive correlation with general self focused attention and a significantly negative correlation with depression and inter personal problems, and the general self focused attention demonstrated a positive correlation with the immersive self focused attention. Furthermore, the immersive self focused attention demonstrated a positive correlation with depression and inter personal problem, and the depression and inter personal problem demonstrated a significantly positive correlation. Second, in terms of the effect of self esteem on the inter personal problems, depression turned out to have a partially mediating effect. 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A Study on the Economical Design of Protection Facilities through EXPLOSION TEST and SimulationMilitaryAbstract Purpose: In this study, the possibility of economical design of a protective structure was presented based on explosion test data and computer simulation results on the safety of both a building and human bodies for the combat training building. Method: A training facility was built for soldiers to experience the vibration, pressure, and noise generated inside the building due to the explosion of the TNT. In the explosion proof test, 9lb of TNT, equivalent to the weight of a 4.2-inch mortar shell, was detonated in four places around the building, including the roof of the training building, the door, and the outside of the wall to determine the damage. Vibration, pressure and noise transmitted into the building were measured. After the explosion test, the damage to the building was examined through a rebound hardness test and visual inspection, and the impact on the human body was estimated by measuring the pressure at three spots inside the building. Afterwards, computer modeling and simulation was performed using High Explosion Damage & Injury Assessment Model(HExDAM) and simulation results were compared with explosion test measurements. Results: As a result of inspecting the structural damage of the building, there was no significant displacement of the structure and it was determined that there was no problem in using the building. The compressive strength of concrete was observed through Schmidt hammer, it showed 96% of the strength compared to the design strength(30MPa). The pressure inside the building was measured in the range between 0.063 and 0.488 kPa, which is a very small value that is harmless to the human body. According to computer simulation, the internal pressure increased as the wall thickness decreased. However, even if the wall thickness was reduced, the pressure delivered to the inside did not increase significantly, and it was still found to be harmless to the human body. Conclusion: Through the explosion test, it was confirmed that the structure and personnel inside the training building for combat field experience were safe enough against the explosive power of a 4.2-inch mortar shell. Computer simulations showed that there is room for reducing the thickness of the wall of the building, and the necessity of economical design was suggested by using computer simulation for designing protection facilities and military facilities. [Keywords] Blast Effects, Explosion Test, Reinforced Concrete Building, HExDAM, Modeling & Simulation References [1] Kim J. Future Warfare and Artificial Intelligence Applications in the ROK Military: Problems and Alternatives. 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A Brief Study on the Legitimacy of the National Security Act Examined through the Case of Cheongju SPY RINGTerrorismAbstract Purpose: In this study, the Cheongju Spy Ring incident offers a clear answer for the question of “Are there still spies?” in some parts of our society. It confirms the fact that North Korea is continuously carrying out espionage in South Korea regardless of the situation between the North and South Koreas. Hence, it is intended to discuss the legitimacy of the National Security Act, which is faced with the possibility of repealment, and the ripple effect of its repealment via an actual analysis of the Cheongju Spy Ring incident. Method: This study examines the legitimacy of the National Security Act and its ripple effects when it is repealed by analyzing the Cheongju Spy Ring incident. It will examine the differences of opinion on the controversy over the existence of the National Security Act to date. The content analytical method and the literature analytical method were implemented comprehensively and specifically for the contents of various aspects of the incident. Results: Concerning the enactment and repealment of the National Security Act, it is necessary to respond with a clear awareness from the perspective of national security and the maintenance and development of the liberal democratic system. The National Security Act has the purpose to guarantee the people's freedom and human rights by restricting anti-state activities which undermine the national security, not anti-unification-anti-democratic-anti-civil evil laws as North Korea claims. Furthermore, as evident in foreign cases, it can learned that the law is by no means a strong law. Conclusion: In conclusion, when the National Security Act is repealed, then first, from the security and military perspective, it would be impossible to punish the North Korean spies and the anti-state activists. Second, in terms of the political aspect, political instability will be aggravated by the conflicts between the ruling party pushing for the repealment of the National Security Act and the opposition party opposing thereto, which will further lead to the political instability and social disturbance. Third, in terms of the social aspect, the conflicts between the left and the right wings over the enactment and repealment of the National Security Act will intensify, and the division of public opinion and social unrest will further expand at best. Fourth, the political instability is expected given the increased conflicts among relevant departments within the government. Fifth, in terms of the inter-Korean relations, the federal unification drive after the repealtment of the National Security Act by the North will be a prerequisite for improving the inter-Korean relations, thereby growing the pressure on South Korea. Ultimately, the repealment of the National Security Act will undermine the constitutional system of the Republic of Korea by threatening and destroying not only the security of the Republic of Korea but also the basic order of liberal democracy in the political, economic, and social areas. [Keywords] Cheongju Spy Ring, National Security Act, National Security, Anti-Government Organization, Spy in South Korea References [8] Kim HJ. Proposals for the Revision of Laws to Execute Punishment on Spies of Foreign Nationality. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Law Review, 40(1), 61-80 (2016). [15] Youn JO. The First Incident of the People’s Revolutionary Party and Do Ye-jong’s Activities. Daegu Sahak, 133, 315-357 (2018). [18] Huh BS. Representation of the Divided Diaspora and Zainichi Korean Spies. Journal of Dong-ak Language and Literature, 73, 19-141 (2017). [19] Choi JD. 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Crime Prevention by Strengthening REGULATIONS on Drunk DrivingPolicyAbstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discuss the countermeasures against drunk driving regulations in terms of crime prevention because drunk driving is not a simple traffic crime but a potential murder. One methodology would be to raise the punishment for drunk driving and to improve the public's awareness and conduct regular traffic accident prevention education so that fundamental problems can be solved and have high efficiency and normative power. In Korea, the ‘Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes, etc.’ and ‘Road Traffic Act’ were amended in Korea following the case of 'Yoon Chang-ho', who died in a drunk driving accident in 2018. Drunk driving is a very dangerous behavior, as it can endanger your life as well as the lives of others. Even if an accident does not occur, such an act is a violation of the Road Traffic Act and therefore carries criminal responsibility. In terms of general crime prevention, the penalties for drunk driving are becoming stricter than in the past. In the improved system, even if the blood alcohol level is 0.03% or more and less than 0.08, imprisonment for not more than one year or a fine of not more than 5 million won is imposed. In the case of two or more violations of the strengthened regulations, imprisonment for not less than 2 years and not more than 5 years, or a fine of not less than 10 million won and not more than 20 million won. What used to be a three-out was changed to a two-out for drunk driving. However on November 25, 2021, the Constitutional Court ruled that the provisions of the Road Traffic Act, which required uniform and aggravated punishments for drunk driving more than twice, were against the Constitution(Constitutional Court 2021.11.25, 2019Hunba 446, etc.). In addition, if you injure a person while driving, you will be punished by imprisonment for not less than 1 year and not more than 15 years in prison, or a fine of not less than 10 million won to not more than 30 million won(Before the amendment, in case of death while driving under the influence of alcohol, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of more than one year). Drunk driving accidents can lead to criminal punishment, administrative sanctions, and even civil lawsuits. Keep in mind that drunk driving can be a potential killer on the road. Even if you didn't harm anyone, just drinking and driving can be a big hit in society. Method: Injuries and deaths due to drunk driving are on the rise. As a countermeasure against this, the standards and level of punishment for drunk driving are being strengthened. First, let's look at the legal punishment for drunk driving through the laws related to drunk driving. Second, we examine the severity of the damage caused by drunk driving through statistics such as drunk driving accidents, injuries, and deaths in current Korean society. Third, as a comparative legal review, by examining foreign laws on drunk driving accidents, matters to be referred to in Korean laws and regulations are reviewed. Fourth, I would like to make a legislative proposal by reviewing the problems and improvement plans of the drunk driving legal system. Previous studies on drunk driving have mainly focused on strengthening the punishment for drunk driving. This study intends to review the general crime prevention aspect by not only strengthening punishment but also changing the public's perception through education. Results: Drunk driving affects not only drunk drivers, but also others and society. It is necessary to keep in mind that drunk driving is a potential homicide, and the prohibition of drunk driving should be strengthened. In addition, if the general prevention effect can be successfully established and nudged against the offenses of drunk drivers, social costs can be reduced. Conclusion: For drunk driving, both the ‘external motivation’ such as punishment, as well as the ‘intrinsic motivation’ to act in compliance with the norm must be activated. To this end, it is necessary to raise awareness that drunk driving must be caught and punished. The certainty of punishment has a positive effect on crime deterrence. Also, in the case of self-driving cars in the era of the 4th industrial revolution, there are no regulations for drunk drivers, so a review should be carried out. [Keywords] Drunk Driving, Crime Prevention, Road Traffic Act, Blood Alcohol Concentration, Criminal Liability References [1] Park K. Legal Countermeasures against Hate Speech. Regulations, 6(2), 16-25 (2021). [Article] [2] Lee S & Beak S & Jo S. A Study on Role Conflict of Korean Security Police -Focusing on Working Period-. 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Study on Judgment Recognition of Figure Skating COACHESBodyAbstract Purpose: This study is to analyze the judgment perception of the figure skating instructor, to secure trust between the judge and the director, and to provide basic data for the development plan of the figure skating event. The subject was a survey of 45 professional figure skating instructors registered as directors in the Korea Skating Federation. Method: This analysis of the perception of figure skating instructors' judgments based on gender was conducted using t-test. One-way ANOVA was carried out to identify the judge's perception according to the director's age, coaching period, coaching experience, and director level. Results: First, regarding gender, male directors were found to be more positively perceived than female directors, but the difference was not statistically significant. Second, regarding age, the scores of directors over 50 was the lowest. Third, regarding the guidance period, it was found that directors with more than 10 years of guidance received the most negative perception. Fourth, there was a statistically significant difference in the director's perception according to the coaching experience. There was a difference in the perception of fairness, reliability, and accuracy of the judge, which is a sub-factor, and the perception of judge decision was more negative for professional directors with experience in coaching national athletes than for directors with experience in coaching general sports. Fifth, there was a difference in the perception according to the level of the director. Especially the perception was the most negative for class 7-8 directors. Conclusion: As a result, it is considered that studies are needed to increase the objectivity of the judges in scoring, which depends on their subjective evaluation. 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Exploring the Training Program for the Essential Skills of TAEKWONDO Freestyle PoomsaeSportAbstract Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore essential technical training plans for Taekwondo freestyle Poomsae and present systematic and specialized training plans to instructors. In order to achieve this research purpose, this study was conducted using a qualitative approach. Method: The purpose of this study is to explore essential technical training plans for Taekwondo freestyle Poomsae and present systematic and specialized training plans to instructors. In order to achieve this research purpose, this study was conducted using a qualitative approach of literature review and in-depth interviews. Results: First, 1)jump side kick(Leap training using high speed, obstacle crossing training, and repetitive exercise to raise one's leaping foot to the thigh) 2)jump front kick(Training of kicking the first foot at the same time of the leap, the snap kick training in a sitting position, and the training to hit a target) 3)rotating kick(Stride training, holding the axis of rotation training, two-way rotation training) 4)consecutive sparring kick(Step training using a jump rope, repeating knee raising training, and various tactical training in actual sparring competitions) 5)acrobatic movements(Handstand training and training for using the strength of the upper body with push-ups). Second, as training for injury prevention, leap, and landing, strength exercises(squats, conventional deadlift, leg press) to improve posture balance and irregular physical training that changes heart rate to check the heart rate of actual competition situations are to be conducted. Third, efforts should be made to create a stable training environment for freestyle Poomsae training by providing equipment and tools such as air mats and landing mats for the athletes to stably train essential skills of freestyle Poomsae. Conclusion: For each of the five essential skills of Taekwondo freestyle Poomsae, an efficient training method suitable for the characteristics of the skill is needed. In addition, players and instructors who train freestyle Poomsae need to improve their posture balance through training on high leaps and landing to prevent injuries. In addition, it is important to create a training environment suitable for the characteristics of the event for efficient training of freestyle Poomsae athletes. [Keywords] Taekwondo, Freestyle Poomsae, Essential Skills, Training Program, Poomsae Players References [2] Lee SJ & Jeon JW. 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The Effect of University Student’s Perception of Rapport with Professors on Learning Participation and Satisfaction: Focused..BeautyAbstract Purpose: The pandemic situation has caused a variety of changes in many areas. In the field of education, real communication of emotion with students has become an issue. The purpose of this study is to examine the causal effect of rapport between professors and students, learning participation and satisfaction in online class under COVID-19 pandemic situation. Method: In order to conduct the research, the online survey was performed for two years university students in Seoul, and three hypotheses were proposed to identify the relationships among three variables such as rapport, participation and learning satisfaction. A total of 207 questionnaires were used for analysis. SPSS 21.0 was used to conduct analysis for hypothesis verification, and the demographic information of the sample was organized by frequency analysis. Also, exploratory factor analysis and reliability analysis were conducted to confirm the validity and reliability of each concept measurement item. Lastly, regression analysis was used to examine them. Results: The results of analyses are follows. First, rapport influenced positively learning participation. Second, rapport influenced positively learning satisfaction. Third, learning participation influenced positively learning satisfaction. This result was found to be the same as that of previous studies about learning participation and learning satisfaction. Conclusion: ‘Although it is a study only for two-year college students in Seoul, it has been recognized that students' participation in learning is a major leading variable in improving learning satisfaction. In this study, building rapport between professors and students is an important factor to improve the quality of online class. Hence, professors should focus on how to build rapport effectively and universities should provide practical supports and programs to develop their skills to improve rapport level. It can have a positive effect on students' satisfaction with the university and their academic achievement in the long term. [Keywords] Rapport, Learning Participation, Learning Satisfaction, Online Class, COVID-19 References [3] Kim WS & Choi HB. Analysis of Class Adaptation and Satisfaction under Untact Educational Environment Caused by Covid-19: Handong Global University Case. Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, 12(5), 109-119 (2021). [4] Kim HN & Kam SW. The Effect of Lecture Satisfaction for Non-face-to-face Video Lessons on the Learning Effect and Study on the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy for Covid-19 in South Korea. The Journal of Student-centered Curriculum and Instruction, 21(1), 363-387 (2020). [5] Kwon SH & Ryu HS. 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The Effect of Academic Burnout of Elementary School Students on the Smartphone Game Addiction CRISIS: Mediating Effects of..HealthAbstract Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine and understand the effect of academic burnout of elementary school students on the smartphone game addiction and investigate as to what mediating effects of anxiety and ADHD tendency have in this process. Method: A survey was conducted targeting 654 elementary school students from two elementary schools in the capital area, and the levels of academic burnout, anxiety, ADHD tendency, and smartphone game addiction were surveyed. The collected data were analyzed based on the structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: The results were as follows. First, the academic burnout turned out to directly or indirectly increase the smartphone game addiction. Second, anxiety turned out to indirectly increase the smartphone game addiction, while the ADHD tendency directly increased the smartphone game addiction. Third, three pathways of academic burnout on the smartphone game addiction were verified, where the direct pathway of 'academic burnout → smartphone game addiction' and the two indirect pathways of ‘academic burnout → ADHD tendency, → smartphone game addiction’ and ‘academic burnout → anxiety → ADHD tendency → smartphone game addiction’ turned out to be significant. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that in order to prevent the smartphone game addiction of the elementary school students, the intervention for academic and emotional problems such as academic burnout, anxiety, and ADHD tendency ought to be conducted together. [Keywords] Academic Burnout, Anxiety, ADHD Tendency, Smartphone Game Addiction References [1] Lee S & Han S. Preceding Factors for Life Satisfaction of University Students Majoring in Aviation Service in the Covid-19 Disaster: Social Environment in the Classroom, Grit. International Journal of Human & Disaster, 6(3), 64-74 (2021). 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