The Effect of the Diving Club Membership's Educational Satisfaction on the Brand Asset and the Intention to Revisit
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide the basic data for the development of the diving industry by examining and understanding the educational satisfaction of students who are diving club members, and by examining the relevance to brand asset and the effect on intention to revisit.Method: A survey was conducted with 355 students through the significance sampling method among the students who received diving education. The final measurement tool with validity and reliability secured consisted of 11 diving educational satisfaction questions, 5 brand asset questions, and 4 intention to revisit questions was used. For the data processing, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed.
Results: As a result of this study, first, it turned out that lecture satisfaction and job related satisfaction, which are sub-factors of educational satisfaction, affect awareness, which is a sub-factor of brand asset. Second, colleague satisfaction, a sub-factor of educational satisfaction, turned out to affect loyalty, a sub-factor of brand asset. Third, the job related satisfaction and colleague satisfaction, which are sub-factors of educational satisfaction, turned out to have an effect on the intention to revisit.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, it was confirmed that the educational satisfaction of diving students affects the brand asset and the intention to revisit. The instructors engaged in diving and those involved in the diving industry ought to keep in mind that the educational satisfaction of students during the diving education contributes to the development of the diving organization and further the development of the diving industry over the long term.
Keywords: Leisure Sports, Diving, Educational Satisfaction, Brand Asset, Intention to Revisit
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