The Relationship Among Social Support, Career Adaptability, Psychological Capital and Career Preparation Behavior of Judo..

By. Wonhee Lee, Wookyung Sun Views. 1319


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between social support, career adaptability, psychological capital, and career preparation behavior of the majored in Judo kata in 2021.To achieve the purpose of this study, the following detailed goals were set.

Method: This study collected data from students who completed Judo kata class among students majoring in Judo kata in 2021 to investigate the relationship between Judo kata major's social support, career adaptability, psychological capital and career preparation behavior The data were collected by the researcher in the class of judo kata major after the guidance professor of the university Judo kata explained the purpose and purpose of the study in advance and received permission to collect the data. The data used in the actual analysis was 480 copies in a row, or the contents of the questionnaire were partially omitted. 78 questionnaires were excluded.

Results: Therefore, universities need to introduce and implement various career preparation programs to increase students' psychological capital and actively implement information collection for their careers to achieve their goals. If they can invest time in consultation rather than interest or support for students, or provide financial support, they will be able to prepare for proper career.

Conclusion: In relation to social support and career, environmental factors and educational considerations should be followed up on other departments, and social support, career adaptability, psychological capital, and career preparation behavior according to martial arts or physical education departments should be conducted more reliable research.

Keywords: Judo Kata, Social Support, Career Adaptation, Psychological Capital, Career Preparation Behavior


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