Paradox of COVID-19 Pandemic, Strengthening Neo-Liberalist's Way of GLOBAL GOVERNANCE Building to Overcome Vaccine ..

By. Sangsoo Lee Views. 2210


Purpose: This paper intends to find alternatives to strengthen global governance in vaccine distribution amid the rise of vaccine nationalism in the international community. To this end, Chapter 2 briefly outlines the risks of vaccine nationalism and the concept of global governance. Chapter 3 examines the status of vaccine development in major countries and Chapter 4 suggests ways to establish global vaccine governance. Chapter 5 summarizes the previous discussions and suggests a policy alternative for securing vaccines for the ROK.

Method: The spread of COVID-19 has led to the fall of neoliberalism, but to end the COVID-19 pandemic, only infectious disease control through strengthening transformative neo-liberal way of strengthening international governance can overcome the vaccine nationalism. Global Governance refers to the performance of various interested parties through horizontal cooperation to achieve a common purpose, especially the public purpose.

Results: The policy alternatives to overcome vaccination nationalism and end the global COVID-19 pandemic are as follows. First, it is possible to effectively respond to various infectious diseases in the future by strengthening the disease management function of the UN and rearranging of WHO for the fair distribution of vaccines. Second, AI technology-based platforms can be used to optimize the use of early warning and mobilize necessary resources for preventive measures. Third, patent rights for vaccine manufacturing technologies should be revoked and vaccines should be produced and administered simultaneously regardless of country or patent to prevent the spread. Fourth, measures to limit national sovereignty at the global governance level should be clearly defined. Fifth, cooperation with WHO and transnational pharmaceutical companies, and NGO, IGO(Intergovernmental Organization) are key to combating vaccination nationalism's politics.

Conclusion: The implications of major countries' vaccine development and vaccine diplomacy for the ROK are as follows. First, the ROK also needs to continue to develop vaccines and treatments, foster human resources in related fields, and establish active international cooperation. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the international system to develop vaccines and treatments. Third, it is necessary to actively secure vaccines through the production of a licensing method that introduces technology, not just consignment production in Korea, or equity investment in overseas vaccine companies, which requires the government's full support for the industry.

[Keywords] COVID-19, Neo-Liberalism, Pandemic, Vaccine Nationalism, Global Governance


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