Increasing the SPACE SECURITY Power and Its Challenges for the Republic of Korea Air Force in the Era of the Fourth ..

By. Jiwon Yun, Sangwoo Park Views. 1886


Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to explore aerospace power development strategies promoted by the Republic of Korea Air Force(ROKAF), and to examine the necessity and tasks of strengthening space power, focusing on the main content of Air Force Quantum 5.0, an innovative task for ROKAF from the perspective of smart national defense innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution(4IR) era. The main contents of the 4IR and the concept of space power dealt with in Air Force Quantum 5.0 were set as the scope of research.

Method: For better analysis, as part of case studies, the article is to analyze literature with a focus on research analysis materials regarding the concept of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, policy reports on Air Force Quantum 5.0 promoted by the ROKAF, and academic papers.

Results: It is required for the ROKAF to establish an advanced power system for aerospace operations in response to future warfare, such as securing key leading technologies for weapon systems using 4IR technologies, identifying military capabilities and core forces, reflecting them in the future force integration, and promoting civil-military R&D cooperation systems. It also needs to establish a space command and take the lead in the future joint battlefield area in order to establish itself as a space powerhouse like the surrounding powers, including the United States and China.

Conclusion: This article concluded that in order for the ROKAF to further respond to uncertain security threats, consider work innovation and combat power enhancement, overcome increasing challenge factors such as the deepening shortages of military service resources, and adapt to the future battle field environment, advanced 4IR technologies should be applied in all branches of the air force to ensure the military remains sophisticated and intelligent, and to speed up the promotion of high-efficient aerospace operation systems and defense operation environment.

[Keywords] Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Defense Innovation, Space Security, Aerospace Power, Air Force Quantum 5.0


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