A Disaster Situation Management Study using MORT-TAC
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a plan to manage disaster situations using MORT-TAC, a factor to consider the situation evaluation of disaster sites. Despite the importance of disaster response due to the sharing of initial disaster information in disaster response, small disasters often develop into national disasters due to the lack of important information in the event of a disaster.Method: In order to conduct research using MORT-TAC, a factor in evaluating disaster situations, various organizations can use MORT-TAC to distribute initial disaster information through literature research and telephone interviews due to COVID-19. In addition, a study was conducted to incorporate the researcher's military expertise for 30 years of military service into the disaster field.
Results: As a result of the district, MORT-TAC was suggested to distribute initial information on disaster sites between city and county emergency control teams, integrated support headquarters, regional and central emergency control teams, and education and training programs to improve disaster-related officials' expertise.
Conclusion: Disaster response and disaster situation management must be performed by professional officials. Disaster officials of all disaster response emergency organizations must have the expertise to manage disaster situations using MORT-TAC, and to this end, education and training programs must be reflected in the annual education plan. In addition, in-depth research on MORT-TAC should be continuously studied in the future.
[Keywords] Initial Disaster Information, Disaster Situation Management, MORT-TAC, Information Distribution, Professional Education
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