The Relationship among Stress, Exercise Flow and Exercise Exhaustion of College Soccer Players
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Purpose: Soccer, as the most representative team sport, is an event that shows the best performance by forming organizational and cohesiveness within the team through interactions between leaders and players and players and players. Also, soccer players feel various psychological changes and experience stress, which is a negative emotional or psychological state in various situations such as maladaptation to the environment, defeat, and immaturity in performance. Athlete Stress, exercise flow and exercise exhaustion of college football players are highly correlated with each other, and it is necessary to understand the relationship between various variables to effectively cope with stress for players to improve their performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural relationship between stress, exercise flow, and exercise exhaustion of college football players.Method: In this study, a questionnaire was conducted through convenience sampling among 250 college soccer players belonging to the University Soccer Federation, and among them, 215 copies of the questionnaire were analyzed according to the purpose of the study, excluding 35 copies of the questionnaires that were answered insincerely. To achieve the purpose of this study, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability verification, and correlation analysis were performed using SPSS 26.0 and Amos 21.0, and the structural equation model was verified.
Results: The mean of each variable was 2.524 to 4.516, and the standard deviation was .613 to 1.464. As a result of examining the kurtosis and skewness values for normality verification, the skewness was .903 to .384, and the kurtosis was from .975 to -.026. As a result of confirmatory factor analysis, χ²=99.092(df=41, p<.001, Q=2.417), TLI=903, CFI=.928, RMSEA=.081, and the standardization coefficient were .627-939. appear. Exercise stress was found to have a negative effect on exercise commitment. Exercise stress was found to have a positive effect on exercise exhaustion. Exercise commitment was found to have a negative effect on exercise exhaustion.
Conclusion: Based on the results, the necessity of developing a stress management program to improve the performance of college football players and applying it to the current situation was suggested. The necessity of developing a stress management program to improve the performance of college football players and Stress has a negative effect on exercise flow, which means that systematic stress management is required for athletes. Second, stress is a variable that directly affects exercise exhaustion. Finally, exercise flow helps to lower exercise exhaustion. As a suggestion based on this research results, it is necessary to efficiently manage the stress of soccer players by exploring the stress factors of elementary, middle, and high school soccer players. Second, it is necessary to develop a program that can efficiently manage stress for college football players and analyze the effect by applying it to the field. Lastly, since the psychological state of the coaches directly affects the players, it is necessary to efficiently manage the stress of the coaches through research on the stress factors of the coaches as well as the players.
[Keywords] Stress, Exercise Flow, Exercise Exhaustion, Performance, Soccer
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