The Effect of ARMY Professionals` Perceptions of the System on Organizational Commitment: The Mediation Effects of ..

By. Yongkwan Kang, Yooshin Im Views. 2246


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the mediation effect of professional identity in the process of the effect of Army professionals` perceptions of the system on organizational commitment, and to draw policy implications for the training and utilization of effective professionals.

Methods: The survey was conducted on Army professionals and the hypothesis was verified using structural equations(AMOS18.0).

Results: First, system trust did not have a significant effect on professional identity. Second, system internalization had a positive(+) effect on professional identity. Third, the indirect effect of professional identity was not significant in the relationship between system trust and organizational commitment. Fourth, the indirect effect of professional identity was significant in the relationship between system internalization and organizational commitment.

Conclusion: First, it is necessary to consider the organizational level of professional personnel management system that allows professional personnel officers to have a positive perception and agree with its purpose. Second, in the process of system change, the situation and opinions of the army specialist officers who are subject to the system change should be reflected as much as possible, and the detailed consideration of the organizational level that makes them well accept the purpose and purpose of system change is necessary. Third, when the Army professional personnel officers are provided with conditions to work with a high professional identity and implement related policies, their organizational commitment can be increased.

[Keywords] Professional Identity, System Internalization, System Trust, Organizational Commitment, Army Professionals


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